We all spend too much time sitting. If you’ve been experiencing lower back or shoulder discomfort, it might not be because of your strength training routine from yesterday. It’s often the result of those endless hours you spent parked at your desk.
The reality is, even if your job doesn’t involve a desk, you’re not entirely immune to the physical consequences of sitting. We sit in cars, on public transportation, airplanes, and of course, the couch. And then we wonder why our hips aren’t as mobile as we’d like, or why lifting overhead feels painful.
When you’re training with us, we take care of the corrective exercises and joint mobilizations needed to enhance your flexibility, mobility, and relieve pain.
But what about the roughly 165 hours you’re not training with us each week? Here are some simple tips to help you maintain your body, boost flexibility, and counteract the hours spent hunched over your computer:
1. Morning Routine: Start your day right with a few basic movements. It doesn’t need to be elaborate – a couple of low-lunge rotations, shinbox mobility, and bird dogs (with or without a resistance band) will do wonders.
2. 90-Minute Bursts: Research shows that our productivity drops after about 90 minutes of focused work. So why stay glued to your desk for hours on end? Set an alarm to remind you to take a break and move around. It doesn’t have to be structured; do 10 bodyweight squats in your kitchen, a few slow mountain climbers, or choose a different exercise for each break.
3. Bedtime Routine: Wind down with a bedtime routine that helps you leave the day’s stress behind. Try static stretches, yoga poses like cat-camels or child’s pose, or simply focus on your breathing.
These habits can help counteract the hours of sitting, so when you step into the gym, you’re ready to perform at your best and leave feeling better, not worse, after your workout.
Here’s to a happier and healthier you!